Tag Archives: 5 LOAVES OF BREAD & 2 FISH




Jesus very clearly tells us in the Gospel to have concern for our fellow men. He gives us an example. He sees a vast crowd and he pities them, “for they were like sheep without a shepherd” (Mark 6:34). He taught them them at great length, so long that the Apostles got worried that they might have to feed them. They came to Jesus and suggested He stop preaching so that the people could either get home or into some village to get something to eat. 

Jesus simply said, “You give them something to eat” (Mark 6:37). He is saying to them that they should not shy away from responsibility to the poor, the needy. The disciples evidently did not want to get involved. They were afraid what might cost them. 

Are we afraid to get involved? Do we shy away from responsibility to our sisters and brothers in need? We live in a society that is very independent, especially in big cities; every one for himself. Do not get involved. It might get you into trouble. It might cost you some money, and you need all you have to keep up your affluent living. 

Jesus says if we want to be His disciples, His followers, we’ve got to get involved, we’ve got to be willing to sacrifice for our sisters and brothers, to deny self so as to be able to help them. He makes it quite clear that it is the best way to live, the happiest way. Why? Just look at the reward! What a joy it must have been to be a part of that exciting incident, feeding the five thousand with just five loaves of bread and two fish. And to end up with more than at the start. 

Getting involved will make our Christian lives a joy. We will be a part of God’s exciting work in the world. And without a doubt we will end with more than we began with, more joy, more meaning, more of God’s blessings both spiritual and temporal. 

Jakarta, 7th of January 2014 

A Christian Pilgrim


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