25 Oct


YESUS BERODA DI TEMPAT SUNYI“Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7:25). He has triumphed over sin and death! We have been ransomed by the blood of Christ, and now we are children of God! We are no longer paralyzed by the power of sin. We can reject evil. We can now do the good that we want to do – the good t hat our conscience tells us we should do. Once we were weak, but now in Christ we are made strong. We can rise up and walk in the path of righteousness, following in His very footsteps. 

Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! We are no longer captive to the law of sin and death. Its oppressive, hateful strictures have been overturned by a love freely given, a love that surpasses any love we can imagine. Where once we had no recourse but to follow sin’s lead, now we have access to divine power. We can say “no” to every evil inclination and refuse to be mastered by them any longer. 

Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! Our deepest yearnings for God’s love and His presence can now be fulfilled. God’s intentions for us can be realized as we delight in His goodness and in our union with Him. His imprint on us can emerge and shine brightly for all to see. The sin that clouded it is washed away, and we become ever clearer reflections of Christ. His desires fill our hearts with joy. 

Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! Deliverance is ours! Jesus has overcome every form of bondage! The power of darkness need no longer hold us in fear or make us tremble. Our shackles have been removed, and we can walk freely to the throne room of God. No longer slaves to sin, we can offer ourselves in loving obedience to our Father. We are no longer slaves, but highly prized sons and daughters. 

Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! Death has been defeated once and for all! Our condemnation has been removed! What we could never do, Christ has done. Heaven is now opened for us, and we can live with Him forever and ever! 

Jakarta, 25th of October 2013 

A Christian Pilgrim

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Posted by on October 25, 2013 in TODAY'S THOUGHT 2013


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