10 Jun


THE HOLY EUCHARIST is pre-eminently the Sacrament of God’s love, by which He gives Himself to me as food. “Taste and see how the Lord is sweet.” 

The Holy Eucharist is the very heart of our Faith, the infinite source of piety and devotion, the bond of union with God, the chief means of attaining Christian perfection. Let me try to understand in some way what is the breadth and length and height and depth of the love of Jesus for me in this most Blessed Sacrament. 

No matter how I look at His presence in the Sacrament of the Altar, I see that His love for me is without limit. It is simply infinite, boundless, and therefore beyond the reach of my limited understanding. But let me try to grasp what I can, that I might return some love for love. 

Oh, the depth, the profoundness of this love: that God should abase Himself to me who am dust and ashes, with sin alone entirely mine! Surely there is no limit of Christ’s love for me in the Eucharist, from which His Life speaks: “Learn of Me, for I am meek and humble of Heart.” 

Am I afraid to humble myself frequently for the love of Christ who humbles Himself constantly for love of me? 

Note: Taken from “A THOUGHT A DAY – LITTLE THOUGHTS FOR LITTLE PEOPLE TO HELP THEM BECOME GOD’S GREAT SAINTS” (Assembled by A Father of the Society of St. Paul). 

Jakarta, 10 June 2012 [CORPUS CHRISTI]

A Christian Pilgrim



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