Tag Archives: REMORSE




ONE of the clearest examples of the difference between the shame that comes with remorse and the freedom that comes with repentance happened on the day Jesus was crucified. Both Judas and Peter had rejected the Lord on Holy Thursday (Luke 22:47-62), but these two men had radically different reactions to their sin. 

Judas was so overcome by guilt that he went out and hanged himself (Matthew 27:3-10).  Can you imagine what it must have felt like for Judas to have his memory haunted by this act of betrayal? Judas was so badgered by it that he seems to have forgotten everything he learned as a disciple of Jesus. He lost sight of how much Jesus loved him and how much he had already healed and forgiven him. All he could see was his sin, and it drained him of hope. He obviously convinced himself he could never be forgiven, and so in his despair, he ended his own life. 

Peter was also shaken to the core after he denied knowing Jesus (Matthew 26:75). At this critical moment, this “rock” of the Church realized that Jesus was not his primary concern at all. Self-preservation, even at the cost of his Master’s life, was far more important. But Peter’s sorrow was different from Judas’. Despite the bitter memory of his denial, Peter also recalled Jesus’ promises of forgiveness and brought his sin before God and asked for pardon and peace. As a result, Peter became a humbler and more compassionate man of God. 

This is how the Holy Spirit works. He convicts us of sin, but at the same time He fills us with hope that we can be forgiven and changed.

Jakarta, 22 February 2013  


A Christian Pilgrim

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Posted by on February 22, 2013 in TODAY'S THOUGHT 2013


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