Tag Archives: ST. MONICA



St. Monica was born at Thagaste in Africa of a Christian family about the year 331. While still young she was married to Patricius and had children, one of whom was Augustine. She was unceasing in her prayers to God for his conversion and shed many tears for him. She strengthened her faith by her prayer and was outstanding in virtue, a wonderful example of a Christian mother. She died at Ostia in the year 387.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, comforter of the sorrowful, You accepted Saint Monica’s offering of tears for the conversion of her son, Augustine. Help us, by their intercession, to be truly contrite for our sins so that we may receive the grace of Your forgiveness. We make our prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Jakarta, 27 August 2016

A Christian Pilgrim

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Posted by on August 27, 2016 in SAINTS WE LOVE


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Jakarta, 27 August 2015

A Christian Pilgrim


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SAINT MONICA [331-387]

SAINT MONICA [331-387]


saint-monica-01 (1)One of the most beloved motherly saints of all times is St. Monica of North Africa, mother of the famous St. Augustine of Hippo, one of the preeminent doctors of the Church. When Monica, brought up as a Christian, reached marriageable age, she was wedded to Patricius, who was wealthy, but a pagan and given to ill-temper and lust. In those days many such men battered t heir wives. Patricius did not, because Monica was so good-tempered herself. Monica endured his ways because she thought to convert him through her example. She believed as St. Paul wrote: “The unbelieving husband is consecrated through his wife” (1Cor 7:14). After a long time, Patricius was baptized and died shortly afterwards.

Monica and Patricius had three children, including Augustine, a precocious but wild youth, for whom Monica prayed incessantly. Augustine thought his mother’s advice ridiculous. It was with great anguish that she finally refused to him the hospitality of the family home, so dissolute had he become. Then St. Monica had a vision of Augustine converted. She was advised by bishops that the son of so many tears could not perish, and to talk more to God about Augustine than to Augustine about God.

A heart-rending incident took place when Augustine had decided to leave for Rome without his mother. Monica rushed to the ship to come along and influence him toward the Christian faith. To get rid of her, Augustine pretended that there was plenty of time before sailing and then took off without her. Undaunted, Monica followed him, trying to arrange a good marriage for him as a substitute for his long-time mistress with whom he had conceived a son. It is a sign of Augustine’s pro-life sensibilities even as a pagan that he named this child, born out of wedlock, Adeodatus, “gift of God.” To Monica’s great joy, however, Augustine was moved by tremendous graces (see the Confessions of St. Augustine), and he decided to become a celibate.

After the baptism of Augustine, Monica became a motherly figure to his disciples gathered around him for philosophical and religious discussions. By this time he understood that his mother’s wisdom, far from being ridiculous, was remarkably pertinent. Just before she died at fifty-six, the mother and son had a joint mystical experience of God while overlooking the sea of Ostia. After her death, Augustine wept bitterly, thinking of all the pain he had caused her. St. Monica’s relics are cherished in the Church of St. Augustine in Rome. Her feast-day is August 27, the day before that of St. Augustine.

For your life. Mothers and fathers of wayward youth are sometimes tempted to give up on them and treat them almost like strangers. St. Monica’s example of incessant prayer should inspire us to offer our children to the mercy of the Christ who loves them even more than we do.

Short Prayer: Heavenly Father, give us the strength as You have given St. Monica, that we may not give up hope, even when our children stray far from You. We pray this in the most precious name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Note: The text is taken from Ronda De Sola Chervin, Treasury of Women Saints, Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines: St. Pauls, 1994, pages 46-47. 

Jakarta, 27 August 2013 

A Christian Pilgrim

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Posted by on August 27, 2013 in SAINTS WE LOVE


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