Daily Archives: January 4, 2019


Today’s Gospel Reading: John 1:35-42 – CHRISTMAS SEASON: Friday, 4 January 2019

In this reading, the followers of John the Baptist begin to follow the Lord.

Discipleship is more than formal church membership or the memorization of teaching. It is living as Jesus did. Faith is not a set of individuated acts so much as it is a pattern of living.

We follow the Lord not by showing an occasional charismatic gift but by fidelity, concern and prayerfulness as permanent features of our personal landscape.

The pattern of Christian living shows us to be followers of the Lord more than do spurts of religious feeling. Like the disciples, we spend our lifetime trying to follow the Lord through the novel fact patterns that repeatedly break into our lives.

Learning to follow Christ is a “hands-on” experience and the heart of the Christian adventure.

Jakarta, 4 January 2019

A Christian Pilgrim


“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” (Mother Teresa)

Jakarta, 4 January 2019

A Christian Pilgrim

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Posted by on January 4, 2019 in QUOTABLE QUOTES 2019


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